Our main campaigns focus on reducing the demand for illegal species and their products. For years we have been involved in creating materials to reach people with information about this issue such as posters, children's books, coloring books, etc. In recent years, we have focused our campaigns on social networks such as Facebook through infographics that can reach millions of people quickly.
Our most widespread campaign is the fight against the illegal parrot trade. We have campaigned for the critically endangered yellow-naped parrot, whose northernmost range reaches as far south as Mexico, in the state of Chiapas, and recent population estimates put the Mexican population at around 400 parrots. We also have a campaign for the endangered yellow-headed parrot, which is the most sought-after parrot species in Mexico because people believe it is the best talker. We recently started a campaign for the military macaw, in danger of extinction, because our research showed that it is one of the most trafficked species in the country. We also have general campaigns for all parrots, such as the Buena Suerte campaign, which is changing how people think about wild parrots. We have general campaigns for all types of animals and plants, and soon we will start a campaign designed for reptiles and invasive species.
We also have campaigns that promote wildlife watching as a sustainable alternative for local communities to earn income instead of trading wild animals. This campaign focuses on bird watching, especially in areas inhabited by parrot species. Our research has shown that parrot watching is a more profitable activity ($18,215,891 dollars in 2019) than catching and selling parrots, the economic income from parrot watching was 153 times higher than catching parrots.
We have a new approach with the "Birding to Save Jaguars" campaign whose rationale is that birding income promotes habitat conservation by local communities, which is the same habitat for birds and jaguars. This campaign will help stop the illegal bird and jaguar trade by raising awareness and engaging local communities to protect their natural heritage from poachers. The National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, as well as some state environmental offices and many NGOs have joined this campaign.
Don't buy wild animals or plants.
With your decision to stop buying wild animals or plants, you are helping to reduce demand and, therefore, illegal capture or collection. In addition, you are breaking the chain of illegal trafficking. Remember that the last link in this trafficking chain is the consumer.
Inform your relatives, friends, neighbors, classmates or work colleagues about the situation of wild species and ask them to stop buying wild animals and plants.
It is important that you collaborate by being a spokesperson for the campaign. The more people know about the serious problem facing Mexican wildlife, the sooner we will put an end to illegal trafficking.
Report the illegal sale of Mexican wildlife to the authorities.
Authorities do not have enough personnel to monitor the thousands of clandestine sales points throughout the country. Most of Mexico's police forces are unaware of environmental legislation. With your report, you help the authorities enforce the law.
The creation and promotion of all these campaign materials can only be done with your help.